Sunday, February 2, 2014

How to Optimize Your Magento E-Commerce Site in Tune to the Latest in SEO

Magento in eCommerce and the World of Opportunities: Tips to Get your Website in Tune to SEO Norms

In eCommerce visibility counts bid as a parameter and that is effectively what the Commerce platforms work towards. SEO friendliness is a fact that all the major eCommerce platforms work towards to augments the consumer’s brand/service visibility. It is of common knowledge that Magento is one of the most SEO friendly mediums out there. Ranking the e-store in a favorable position is possible by augmenting the features that Magento presents. But you should know, to make the best use of the possibilities.

Magento’s SEO-friendliness is unquestionable. This discourse deals with providing insights on the tips and tricks to enhanced SEO-friendliness of the popular eCommerce development vertical. Those are:

Tweaking the URLs: Magento provides options for tweaking the URLs to make them more search engine friendly. To tweak the same one need to go to the “Search Engine Optimization (SEO)” field and manually set the Server URL rewrites option to positive. This effectively will remove the index.php from the URL. Making them more search engine friendly in the process. 


Augmenting the HTML heads: To help search engines index the e-stores better, one can use this technique. For this one has to go to System > Configuration > Design > HTML Heads first. Thereafter they can change the defaults robot to “INDEX, FOLLOW” in the settings.

Title and Descriptions: By error people can leave the default title and description blank during creating the pages. This results in blank information which is harder to index by search engines. It is imperative to fill in these boxes with custom and product oriented texts to optimize the product pages in the search engines.

Creating “robot.txt”: Doing this will help the search engines to index the pages better and in tandem with the URLs that one wants to appear with.

Getting rid of URL Duplication: URL duplication plays massacre to the ambitions of the e-stores. T avoid this from happening people can make use of a simple technique. Under the SEO head, one can set the “NO” command under “Use Categories Path for Product URLs”. 


Apart from these effective optimization techniques, there are some other simple tricks like optimizing the Meta tags individually. Using category images and writing descriptions targeting each of the segments independently also help an e-store to driving in traffic from the search engines. Using easily comprehensible image names are also among the subtle techniques to make the products more search-friendly. 

It is imperative to say that using these simple, yet effective techniques one can augment the online exposure of his/her Magento e-stores in real time. In simple words, SEO is easy, with Magento by the side!



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